Royal & Select Masters, District Grand Council of Warwickshire

District Grand Council of Warwickshire

Royal & Select Masters

Warwickshire Council – A Helping Hand for Wretham Council

Warwickshire Council, gave a helping hand to Wretham Council, by performing the Royal Master ceremony for Comp David M Clarke, who was also the District’s Zipwire representative in March. Ill Comp Chris Rogers, District P.C.W. presided in the arranged absence of the District Grand Master and the Deputy District Grand Master.

Three Candidates and a Joining Member for Edgbaston

The December meeting of Edgbaston Council 285 saw two candidates, W Bros Richard Freakley and Tony Newby join the Council, both of whom were chosen in the Select Master and honoured in the Royal Master degrees

Wretham Council – An Action Packed Assembly

The October meeting of Wretham Council 188, had a great deal of work on the Agenda. To quote the words of Thrice Illustrative Master, Ill Comp John Handley – “From a chaotic start, we had a great meeting!”

Super Excellent for Four Spoons Vesey

Comps Adrian Middleton (Steward) and Roger Cook (Manciple) were candidates at their own Vesey Council 227 to receive their Super Excellent Degree at the Council’s July meeting.

Installation BBQ for Victoria

It is a long standing and very enjoyable tradition for Victoria Council 206 to dine Al Fresco after the formalities of their July Installation meeting at Victoria House in Leamington Spa (weather, of course, permitting) with visitors from other Councils always very welcome to attend.